Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Improved Performance of Gas-Sweetening Processes
Bruce R. Palmer
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Naif A. Darwish
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Saleh Al Hashimi
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Tareq Al Ameri
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Naveen Al Qasas
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
GASCO/ADGAS gas-processing production volumes have steadily risen with increased product
pricing. Many plants that operated at low capacity upon commissioning now operate at full capacity.
High production volumes have placed stringent new requirements on gas-processing operations to
consistently meet required financial performance.
Amine sweetening and accompanying sulfur plants are key components of natural-gas-processing
facilities that frequently limit capacity at high production volumes. GASCO/ADGAS routinely applies
process modeling to consistently achieve record gas-plant production volumes required by production