Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
CFD Modeling of Large-Scale Pool Fires
Arnaud Trouvé
University of Maryland, USA
We review in this study current numerical and modeling challenges found in a computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) treatment of large-scale pool fires. The numerical challenge comes from the need to
suitably resolve flame geometries that are significantly more complex than those found at laboratory
scales. The flame geometries found in large-scale pool fires correspond to multiple, relatively small
flames and the increased small-scale activity results in more severe computational grid requirements. The
modeling challenge comes from the need to provide adequate descriptions of flame extinction and soot
processes. Flame extinction, soot mass leakage across the flame and the subsequent accumulation of cold
soot in the overfire region are identified as key physical ingredients that will determine the performance of
fire models in large-scale pool fire simulations. Current CFD capabilities are illustrated using the Fire
Dynamics Simulator (FDS, developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA). FDS
is applied to a series of numerical simulations corresponding to open, wind-free, gaseous pool fires of
different sizes H, 0.4 ≤ H ≤ 40 m. The simulations reveal the fundamental change in flame structure that is
observed as H is increased from laboratory- to large-scales. Predictions of combustion efficiencies, soot
yields and radiant fractions show limited success, however. Some modifications in the FDS combustion
and soot models are proposed in order to enhance the modeling capability. These modifications are based
on the assumptions that: (1) flame extinction in pool fires correspond to slow mixing conditions combined
with radiation cooling; (2) flame extinction is the dominant mechanism responsible for soot mass leakage
across the flame. FDS simulations performed with these modifications show improved performance and
provide some encouraging support to the assumptions made.