Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Energy Saving Light Bulbs
Abdullah Al Naqbi
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Saif AlDhaheri
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Abdullah Rashid
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Global Demographic and industrial products increase yearly however such increase leads to an increase
in energy demand. In this century, many environmental problems are caused due to the use of fossil fuel
as the main source energy production. But these sources of energy produce pollution, which has increased
with the energy demand and lead to global warming. This is definitely a very serious problem and
dangerous threat human life on the earth (e.g. The Global Warming).
Moreover, these sources are dependable. Thus comes the need of finding the alternative sources of
energy undependable, to save this energy which helps the planet from the horrific effects. Solar energy is
found to be the best alternative source of energy. This source of energy does not pollute and is considered
as a very environmentally friendly energy, which can lead us to a very save environment. Also, it will
save this main source of energy which is the oil.
To study energy saving, a study will be conducted and a tower will be an example. The study will show
the difference consumption based on the electricity produced by fossil fuel and electricity produced using
solar energy. Furthermore, a recommendation on how to reduce the amount of energy on home will be
submitted in doing the advantages of some electric components such as lighting, kitchen application and so on.