Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Design Methodology for Ecologically and Economically
Optimizing Scheme for Introduction of Co-generation Systems
N. Maruyama
Mie University, Japan
S. Nakanishi
Mie University, Japan
Y. Sadamichi
Chang Mai University, Thailand
A. K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
A life cycle impact assessment methodology is applied to specific co-generation energy systems
consisting of gas turbines or gas engines, and then used to minimize the CO2 emissions and environmental
impacts during system operations. The operating costs of the system are estimated, too. These results are
compared with those of ordinary energy systems. First, the energy demands of various facilities, including
hotels, hospitals, office buildings and houses are analyzed. The hourly electricity and heat demands such
as space cooling, space heating and hot water are estimated from the statistical data of living energy
demands, depending mainly on the floor space for each case study. Second, the energy balances for each
energy demand are formulated about whole system and respective system components. The algorithms
applied here are the well-known simplex and branch-bound methods to seek optimized eco-operation
solutions from objective functions in linear programming. The life cycle assessment-numerical eco-load
total standard (LCA-NETS) evaluation method proposed by the authors is applied in this paper. The
environmental impacts resulting from the specified co-generation systems are then evaluated. In this
paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of co-generation systems are examined from
the standpoints of ecological awareness and cost-effectiveness. By introducing the co-generation system
to energy supply, the estimation result is 3-19% for environmental impact, 7-22% for CO2 emission, and 4-
22% for Operating cost reductions. The results of this study provide a basis for useful recommendations
for distributed power supply systems and further development of sustainable eco-energy supply systems.