Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Energy-Saving Devices
Ahmed Al-Azizi
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Abdulla Al Awadhi
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Yousef Bani Hammad
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Energy is classified into two types; nonrenewable and renewable. There is a global interest to benefit
and switch to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy, and also to create and develop
energy saving methods which can limit the consumption of nonrenewable energy. This transition has
happened as a reaction to many important issues such as global warming and the rapid increase of oil
prices reaching $145 a barrel. Energy saving is a method that can be used to decrease energy consumption.
The reduction of energy usage should not affect power efficiency and the outcome services. Energy saving
is important because it leads to the increase of environmental value, human comfort, and financial capital.
Consumers would want to reduce the energy consumption to reduce the costs.
On the other hand, industrial and commercial users want to increase energy efficiency to maximize
their profit. Energy saving will decrease the demand for energy and it is considered a better solution for
energy shortages, which will decrease energy production and consumption of nonrenewable energy
resources. We have to be a part of the solution instead of the problem. Energy saving may mainly
concentrate on the energy saving devices. In this paper, we will study some home electrical devices which
are big contributors to residential and industrial energy consumption. Furthermore, the paper will explain
replacing standard electrical devices with energy saving devices that do the same task with less energy.
Some techniques will be discussed that can help minimizing electrical power consumption. Eventually
details of how to use affordable alternative energy sources to reduce energy consumption from the national
grid will be explained.