Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Long-term Operation of a Small-scale Gasification and
Power Generation Plant for Chicken Manure
Kunio Yoshikawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Tsutomu Hara
Shinko Plantech Co., Ltd., Japan
We have developed a new process called as the STAR-MEET system for generating a fuel gas by hightemperature
air reforming of the pyrolysis gas produced from chicken manure to drive a dual-fueled diesel
engine for production of electric power and thermal energy. We have installed a commercial plant of the
STAR-MEET system with the capacity of 2 tons/day of dried chicken manure. This plant was successfully
operated for 90 days continuous feed of chicken manure and continuous extraction of ash, in May 2007.
The heating value of the reformed gas reached at 4 MJ/Nm3 and its value is almost the same level as wood
chips. High-temperature air reforming effectively suppressed tar formation, and there was no significant
condensation of tar nor dust in the down stream components after this long-term continuous operation. We
have also successfully demonstrated 55 days continuous daily operation of the dual-fueled diesel engine
generator also.