Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Experimental Investigation to Process High Water Content
Waste to Solid Fuel using Superheated Steam
N. Maruyama
Mie University, Japan
D. Tanaka
Mie University, Japan
M. Tamada
Mie University, Japan
T. Shimizu
aada Inc., Japan
A. K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
A practical superheated steam drying system is introduced to process high water content waste to solid
fuel. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions with this system are evaluated and compared with the result
from a conventional waste incinerator. In addition, the temperature and the quantity of superheated steam
required for material drying are theoretically estimated. Used paper disposable diapers are processed by the
drying system as high water content waste. If the solid fuel is used as an auxiliary fuel to generate
superheated steam and results in an efficient waste thermal recycle system, the energy consumption and
CO2 emissions become considerably low. As a result, the application of the new superheated steam drying
system for processing high water content waste and the obtained solid fuel provide a promising
environmentally-friendly waste recycle system.