Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Production of Methane through Anaerobic Digestion of Jatropha and Pongamia Oil Seed Cakes
V.K. Vijay
Centre for Rural Development & Technology, India
R. Chandra
Centre for Rural Development & Technology, India
P.M.V. Subbarao
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
The paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried on anaerobic digestion of neat
jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and pongamia (Pongamia pinnata) oil seed cakes in a 20 m3/d capacity floating
drum biogas plant under mesophilic temperature range. The dilution ratio of 1:4 and 1:3.5 (oil cake:
water) were selected to keep total solids concentration in the substrates as 18.5% and 19.9% for jatropha
and pongamia oil cakes respectively. Total solids feeding rate for jatropha oil cake substrate was 9.25 kg/d
and for pongamia oil cake substrate was 8.95 kg/d.
Average specific methane production potential of jatropha oil cake was observed as 0.394 m3/d/kg TS
and 0.422 m3/d/kg VS over a period of 30 days of hydraulic retention time. Methane and carbon dioxide
content variations in produced biogas vary from 60.7 to 68.0% and 29.0 to 32.7% (v/v) respectively.
Cumulative biogas and methane yield (at STP) for 30 d HRT period were found as 196.224 and 131.258
m3 respectively. Total volatile solid mass removal efficiency was found to vary in the range of 42.38 to
70.85% on jatropha oil cakes substrate. In case of pongamia oil cake substrate the average specific
methane generation potential was observed as 0.427 m3/d/kg TS and 0.448 m3/d/kg VS. Methane and
carbon dioxide content variations in produced biogas varied from 56.0 to 65.3% and 31.7 to 38.3% (v/v)
respectively. Cumulative biogas and methane yield (at STP) for 30 d HRT period were found as 233.725
and 147.605 m3 respectively. Total volatile solid mass removal efficiency was found to vary in the range
of 43.70 to 94.90% on pongamia oil cake substrate.