Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Development of a Probabilistic Model Structure for Reliability Assessment of Pipeline Degradation Due to
Corrosion-Fatigue Cracking
M. Chookah
University of Maryland, USA
M. Nuhi
University of Maryland, USA
M. Modarres
University of Maryland, USA
A. Seibi
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
The overall objective of this study is to propose and validate a probabilistic-mechanistic empirical
model based on the underlying corrosion-fatigue degradation phenomena whose parameters are estimated
from the observed field data and experimental investigations. Uncertainties about the structure of the
proposed model itself and parameters of the model are to be characterized. Because of its relatively simple
form, the proposed empirical model will assess pipeline’s health and prognosis. The existing corrosionfatigue
models are complicated to run, with many variables (over 30 parameters) whose values are
deterministic and highly subjective.