Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Application of Thermally-Enhanced Thermoplastics to Seawater-Cooled Heat Exchangers
A. Bar-Cohen
University of Maryland, USA
P. Rodgers
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
J.G. Cevallos
University of Maryland, USA
P. Luckow
University of Maryland, USA
In this study, the potential benefits of using thermally-enhanced polymers in high-performance
seawater heat exchangers are assessed. The thermal and mechanical properties of commercially available,
thermally-conductive resins are reviewed and compared with those of polymer heat exchangers described
in the literature, as well as those of metals commonly used in compact heat exchangers, including in
seawater-based cooling systems (i.e., Cu-Ni alloys, stainless steel, and titanium). This survey reveals that
engineered thermoplastics have sufficiently high thermal conductivities to compete with their metal
The thermo-fluid performance of a conceptual, doubly-finned plate liquid-liquid heat exchanger
module, is analytically evaluated using the ε-NTU method. The heat transfer rate and coefficient of
performance (COP) of this heat exchanger are parametrically assessed for various fin spacings, wall
thicknesses, and a near 3 orders-of magnitude range of wall thermal conductivities. This analysis shows
that the thermal conductivities achievable with enhanced thermoplastics, 20 W/mK, can provide
approximately half the heat transfer rate of an aluminum heat exchanger operating under the same
conditions, and 80% of the heat transfer rate provided by a corrosion-resistant, metallic heat exchanger.
This study indicates that thermally conductive thermoplastics offer a promising alternative to the use of
conventional and/or corrosion-resistant metals in compact, high performance heat exchangers in seawatercooled